J-Pop Write-Up

Posts Tagged ‘Tomorrow

Lyrics: 渡辺なつみ (Natsume Watanabe) Composer: 野間康介(Kousuke Noma)

Tamura Yukari’s “Tomorrow” has all of the makings of a kick-ass anime OP… But is Tamura Yukari a necessary part of the song’s success?

When I first heard this track, I thought about how awesome it would be as an anime OP. It has that up-tempo, energetic feel of an anime OP. It has the rock set-up with a rockin’ string part. It has a super catchy chorus, and the chords sound fresh. The second guitar instrumental is out of this world too!  The opening section featuring strings, vocals and bagpipe is a welcome introduction (even if the bagpipe melody and Yukari’s voice are eerily similar). The only issue I take with the writing is the percussive, beating moment at the end of the chorus (“その光を信じて”; “Believe in this light”). But, I can tell that the instrumentalists are really giving it their all: the strings are super tight, the guitars are on top of their game.

Tamura Yukari’s “moe” (bukkari) style of singing doesn’t exactly fit the feel of the music, but she always sings in-tune and her articulation is clear. I think there are moments when her voice needs a little more than the lower accompanying voice.  Her voice has trouble standing out in the mix.  But, I don’t hold that against her, with synthesizer, piano, drum kit, electric guitars, electric bass, and an amplified string quartet to compete against.
More than anything, this song is really fun. The anticipatory breaks before the chorus and instrumentals keep us engaged and give us a welcome reprieve from the driving strings.  Kousuke Noma’s melody fits perfectly with Natsume Watanabe’s lyrics, and both are well-executed by Tamura Yukari. Compared to the busy instrumental parts, the melody seems tame, but it gives the track a really cool feel.

Final Grade:


Dream of you 闇の中 光放つ君を見てた
何処か 悲しくて 心が声をあげる

永遠があるのなら いつの日か微笑みを
繰り返し傷ついても いつだって温かく
つつむ 瞳優しくて 眩しかった

君がいるそれだけで 涙越えられる
Shining 笑顔になるから

どんな出逢いさえ 奇跡だと教えてくれた
君が胸の中 大切な人になる

未来は風の中 行き先を探してる
ちっぽけな約束でも 結び合えるきっと
そんな想い感じている どんな日も

たとえ闇の中でも 君にめぐり逢う
その光を 信じて※

君がいるそれだけで 涙越えられる


(courtesy: goo.ne.jp)


  • Release – 2008 (12/17)
  • Label – キングレコード  (King Records)
  • Catalogue ID – KICM-1259
  • Type – CD Single (12cm)
  • Standard Edition
  • Rereleases:「バンビーノ・バンビーナ」(Bambino Bambina) ・Japan Television『ポシュレデパート深夜店』Theme Song。

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