J-Pop Write-Up


Posted on: October 5, 2010

Since 1999, the Japanese alternative rock band GRAPEVINE has steadily built a fan base for itself. The Osaka-based group formed in 1993, releasing their first demo tape in 1995. After tightening up their tracks, based on recommendations of producer Takamune Negishi, the group has found a balance between pop-like simplicity in structure and rock-like complexity in harmony and melody.  This combination, along with the group’s aesthetic revival of the 70s rock sound, has proven successful for the group. Their second album, “Lifetime”, hit number three on the Oricon Weekly chart, a feat for any rock band, let alone independent. Since then, they have toured domestically, and performed here in the U.S. at such venues as The J-Rock Showcase.

The song that I find most moving is “Ai ni Iku”. The sound is somewhat reminiscent of a contemporary Japanese indie rock group that I like, Advantage Lucy, but with a less jangle poppy and more subdued sound. This is reflected in the lyrics, which describe a sense of wandering loneliness. The lyrics fit Kazumaka Tanaka’s voice perfectly, and he executes the melody with poignant simplicity. The passing VI chord that opens the chorus is gorgeous.

The song has a strong a retro kick. The timbre of Hiroyoshi Nishikawa’s solo guitar, ever so flat but never overweening, reminds me of Happy End’s Eichii Otaki. The bridge section (“あたりまえの日だって”) is reminiscent of psychadelic 70s rock and provides an interesting reprieve from the verse/chorus texture, without taking away from the mood of the song. A lot about this song is kind of nostalgic and reminds me of progressive rock from the 90s, but I can’t put a finger on the exact band. For now, we’ll just say that there’s something vaguely reminiscent of early 90s 70s rock revivalism going on here, and leave it at that.

GRAPEVINE’s set-up is classic rock, and they certainly capture on this kitsch, but, despite being written only a few years ago, this song has become a classic in its own right.

1 Response to "GRAPEVINE – Ai ni Iku"

Great review! I love Grapevine. Thank you for reviewing their song. 🙂 I like the bridge section the most. I think it’s typical Grapevine sound. It’s very interesting that this song reminds you of progressive rock or はっぴぃえんど. 😀

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